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Creative fact-checking at Texas Tribune inspired by VH1’s Pop-Up Video

The Texas Tribune came up with a new way to fact-check and add context to political speeches. Called “Stump Interrupted,” the Trib is adding VH1-style pop-up bubbles in videos of speechifying public officials, such as U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Gov. Rick Perry.

Creative fact checking at Texas Tribune inspired by VH1 s Pop Up Video John TedescoThere’s factual information mixed in with humor — I laughed at the bit about joining hands at the 6:05 mark. The Trib also links to Google docs spreadsheets to show its sourcing.

Related: Contact John Tedesco, investigative journalist in Houston, Texas

Maybe I like Stump Interrupted because I’m a MST3K fan who appreciates sarcasm between soundbites. But this is certainly a Web-savvy twist to journalism’s traditional role of fact-checking.

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